Silicon Valley
The Blog
Tales and tutorials from the trenches of Silicon Valley, where innovation flows like artisanal coffee and startup ideas are as common as avocado toast.
From business operations to offsite shenanigans, this blog will delve into all the nitty-gritty nuances that could either catapult your startup or send it spiraling down the drain.
Fear. Oh how it holds us back. We’ve all read the platitudes on overcoming fear, know them to be true, yet still struggle to move past. We hold ourselves back,...
Distributed Teams: 3 Things Startups Need To Know
Unfortunately, you can’t simply add that A-player you spent weeks sourcing to Gusto and call it good. There are numerous legal and compliance obligations to meet prior to compensating your newly hired remote employee.
What Early Stage Startup Founders Need to Know About Hiring
In this comprehensive series I aim to provide early stage startup founders with essential knowledge about hiring.
Overcoming Fear: A Personal Journey
Fear. Oh how it holds us back. We’ve all read the platitudes on overcoming fear, know them to be true, yet still struggle to move
Why Delegating Your Email To Your EA Is A Game-Changer!
Delegating your email is a strategic move that can significantly boost your productivity and efficiency as an executive.
What’s It All About?
My years as a right hand to executives gave me a behind-the-scenes look at how companies get built. I got to see firsthand what makes startups really take off and when they’re about to hit a roadblock.
About the Author
Brenna is a former Silicon Valley operations leader turned startup whisperer, using her own battle scars and tales of victory to guide others through the land of unicorns and disruptors.