The Employee Recruiting Workbook and bonus sample Use Case will assist you in ensuring a thorough and repeatable process through clarity and structure.
The more research and preparation you do, the more successful you’ll be in finding the right candidate for the job.
This essential resource is designed to help you source the right candidates, even if you’ve never hired before.
✨ Workbook Includes ✨
- 17-page workbook provided in Google Sheets, MSFT Word, and Adobe PDF
- 15-page completed Use Case example provided in Adobe PDF
Each section is thoughtfully crafted to guide you in building your:
- Job Description – Best practices to nail your “sales pitch” and create job postings that attract top talent.
- Performance Profile – Define success criteria that align with your organizational goals.
- Candidate Persona – Identify and define the traits and experiences of your ideal candidate.
- Research & Preparation – Set yourself up for a success interview process.
- Interview Process – Create an effective and repeatable process that will help you identify and narrow down the best candidates.
Your roadmap to successful employee recruiting awaits!